Ex vivo evaluation of the whole heart function allowing selective investigation of the right and left heart

Stig Steen, Audrius Paskevicius, Qiuming Liao, Erik Steen

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikel i vetenskaplig tidskriftPeer review


Objectives. The aim was to demonstrate a reliable ex vivo method to test the function of the whole heart. Design. Pigs of varying sizes (44–80 kg) were exposed to dose response of adrenaline. Blood pressures and cardiac output were measured. The explanted hearts were tested in a novel ex vivo system to see if we could replicate the in vivo values at maximal adrenaline stimulation. The perfusion solution was STEEN Solution™ with erythrocytes and continuous infusion of essential drugs. In contrast to normal body circulation which is sequential, the heart evaluation system is divided into left and right heart circuits which are operating in parallel, making it possible to test the right and left heart individually or as a whole. The system provides coronary flow measurements. The nonlinear dynamic resistances are constructed to stabilize systolic and diastolic pressures in a broad range and independently from cardiac output. It is important for the functional evaluation to avoid pumping help for the heart; therefore, atrial vortexes are constructed to minimize pump flow directionality and energy from entering atria. Results. Ex vivo evaluation was able to match the maximal in vivo effect of adrenaline on cardiac output and blood pressures. After 2 h of evaluation, the blood gases and lactate were normal and free haemoglobin was zero. Autopsy of the hearts showed no macroscopic pathology. Conclusions. The system is able to give a reliable functional evaluation of the heart ex vivo.

TidskriftScandinavian Cardiovascular Journal
StatusPublished - 2024

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Kardiologi

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