Exploring the Early Molecular Pathogenesis of Osteoarthritis Using Differential Network Analysis of Human Synovial Fluid

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikel i vetenskaplig tidskriftPeer review


The molecular mechanisms that drive the onset and development of osteoarthritis (OA) remain largely unknown. In this exploratory study, we used a proteomic platform (SOMAscan assay) to measure the relative abundance of more than 6000 proteins in synovial fluid (SF) from knees of human donors with healthy or mildly degenerated tissues, and knees with late-stage OA from patients undergoing knee replacement surgery. Using a linear mixed effects model, we estimated the differential abundance of 6251 proteins between the three groups. We found 583 proteins upregulated in the late-stage OA, including MMP1, collagenase 3 and interleukin-6. Further, we selected 760 proteins (800 aptamers) based on absolute fold changes between the healthy and mild degeneration groups. To those, we applied Gaussian Graphical Models (GGMs) to analyze the conditional dependence of proteins and to identify key proteins and subnetworks involved in early OA pathogenesis. After regularization and stability selection, we identified 102 proteins involved in GGM networks. Notably, network complexity was lost in the protein graph for mild degeneration when compared to controls, suggesting a disruption in the regular protein interplay. Furthermore, among our main findings were several downregulated (in mild degeneration versus healthy) proteins with unique interactions in the healthy group, one of which, SLCO5A1, has not previously been associated with OA. Our results suggest that this protein is important for healthy joint function. Further, our data suggests that SF proteomics, combined with GGMs, can reveal novel insights into the molecular pathogenesis and identification of biomarker candidates for early-stage OA.

TidskriftMolecular and Cellular Proteomics
StatusPublished - 2024 juni

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Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier Inc on behalf of American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Ortopedi


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