Health-related quality of life in patients with palmoplantar pustulosis–a Swedish register study

Jenny M. Norlin, Sofia Löfvendahl, Marcus Schmitt-Egenolf

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikel i vetenskaplig tidskriftPeer review


Background: Real-world data on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in palmoplantar pustulosis (PPP) are scarce and few studies have analysed the generic HRQoL. Objectives: To assess HRQoL using the generic EQ-5D instrument and the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) instrument in PPP compared to plaque psoriasis. Methods: Cross-sectional data from PsoReg, the Swedish National Registry for Systemic Treatment of Psoriasis (2006–2021), were examined. The study included 306 patients with PPP, out of which 22% had concomitant plaque psoriasis (n = 68), and 7041 patients with plaque psoriasis only. EQ-5D and DLQI were compared between patients with PPP and patients with plaque psoriasis, overall and stratified by sex. A subgroup analysis compared outcomes for patients with PPP vs. patients with severe plaque psoriasis (Psoriasis Area and Severity Index ≥10). Multiple regression analyses were performed to control for potential confounders (age, sex, comorbidities, lifestyle factors). Results: Patients with PPP were to a larger extent female (79% vs. 37%, p < .01) and older (mean [SD] age 59.9 [11.9] vs. 50.7 [16.0] years, p < .01) than patients with plaque psoriasis. EQ-5D values were significantly lower (worse) in patients with PPP (mean [SD] 0.622 [0.309]) compared to patients with plaque psoriasis (mean [SD] 0.715 [0.274]). No significant difference was observed compared to patients with severe plaque psoriasis (p = .237). DLQI was comparable in PPP and plaque psoriasis patients (p = .117). In the regression analyses, PPP only and PPP with plaque psoriasis were associated with lower EQ-5D values of 0.065 (p < .01) and 0.061 points (p < .10) compared to plaque psoriasis patients. Conclusions: PPP had a substantial negative impact on patients’ generic and dermatology-specific HRQoL. Patients with PPP were worse off in terms of generic HRQoL compared with patients with plaque psoriasis when controlling for the impact of potential confounders.

TidskriftAnnals of Medicine
StatusPublished - 2024

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Dermatologi och venereologi

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