In the tension field between politics, practice and science - supervision of degree papers in the School of Teacher Education at Halmstad University, Sweden

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In the teacher education programme at Halmstad University, Sweden, the supervision and examination of the students’ degree papers recently changed. Groups of students are now supervised by supervisor pairs, who in turn are part of a team that is coached by a colleague. The examination of the degree papers has also changed, in that the examination is conducted by someone outside the supervising team. Moreover, new evaluation criteria have been developed. These new criteria have sharpened the scientific requirements and clarified the requirements regarding its relevance to teaching practice. Finally, teachers, principals and other actors in preschools, primary schools and secondary schools have been engaged as co-reflectors whose role is to provide collegial comments on the education students’ theses.

The present text is primarily intended to describe this new approach to supervising and examining degree theses. A secondary intention is to critically reflect on supervision and examination in the light of the unusually tension-filled character of the teacher education program, and of its unique academic culture.
FörlagLärarutbildningen, Högskolan i Halmstad
Antal sidor25
Volym2009: 1
StatusPublished - 2009


NamnForskning om utbildning och lärande inom lärarutbildningen
Volym2009: 1

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Utbildningsvetenskap
  • Sociologi (exklusive socialt arbete, socialpsykologi och socialantropologi)


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