Inelastic photoproduction of J/psi mesons at HERA

C Adloff, V Andreev, B Andrieu, T Anthonis, A Astvatsatourov, A Babaev, J Bahr, P Baranov, E Barrelet, W Bartel, S Baumgartner, J Becker, M Beckingham, A Beglarian, O Behnke, C Beier, A Belousov, C Berger, T Berndt, JC BizotJ Bohme, V Boudry, W Braunschweig, V Brisson, HB Broker, DP Brown, W Bruckner, D Bruncko, FW Busser, A Bunyatyan, A Burrage, G Buschhorn, L Bystritskaya, AJ Campbell, S Caron, F Cassol-Brunner, D Clarke, C Collard, JG Contreras, YR Coppens, JA Coughlan, MC Cousinou, BE Cox, G Cozzika, J Cvach, JB Dainton, WD Dau, Mattias Davidsson, B Delcourt, N Delerue, R Demirchyan, A De Roeck, EA De Wolf, C Diaconu, J Dingfelder, P Dixon, V Dodonov, JD Dowell, A Droutskoi, A Dubak, C Duprel, G Eckerlin, D Eckstein, V Efremenko, S Egli, R Eichler, F Eisele, E Eisenhandler, M Ellerbrock, E Elsen, M Erdmann, W Erdmann, PJW Faulkner, L Favart, A Fedotov, R Felst, J Ferencei, S Ferron, M Fleisher, P Fleischmann, YH Fleming, G Flugge, A Fomenko, I Foresti, J Formanek, G Franke, G Prising, E Gabathuler, K Gabathuler, J Garvey, J Gassner, J Gayler, R Gerhards, C Gerlich, S Ghazaryan, L Goerlich, N Gogitidze, C Grab, V Grabski, H Grassler, T Greenshaw, G Grindhammer, T Hadig, D Haidt, L Hajduk, J Haller, WJ Haynes, B Heinemann, G Heinzelmann, RCW Henderson, S Hengstmann, H Henschel, R Heremans, G Herrera, I Herynek, M Hildebrandt, M Hilgers, KH Hiller, J Hladky, P Hoting, D Hoffmann, R Horisberger, A Hovhannisyan, S Hurling, M Ibbotson, C Issever, M Jacquet, M Jaffre, L Janauschek, X Janssen, V Jemanov, Leif Jönsson, C Johnson, DP Johnson, MAS Jones, Hannes Jung, D Kant, M Kapichine, Martin Karlsson, O Karschnick, F Keil, N Keller, J Kennedy, IR Kenyon, S Kermiche, C Kiesling, Pär Kjellberg, M Klein, C Kleinwort, T Kluge, G Knies, B Koblitz, SD Kolya, V Korbel, P Kostka, SK Kotelnikov, R Koutouev, A Koutov, J Kroseberg, K Kruger, T Kuhr, T Kurca, D Lamb, MPJ Landon, W Lange, T Lastovicka, P Laycock, E Lebailly, A Lebedev, B Leissner, R Lemrani, V Lendermann, S Levonian, Magnus Lindström, B List, E Lobodzinska, B Lobodzinski, A Loginov, N Lokuionova, V Lubimov, S Luders, D Luke, L Lytkin, N Malden, E Malinovski, I Malinovski, S Mangano, R Maracek, P Marage, J Marks, R Marshall, HU Martyn, J Martyniak, SJ Maxfield, D Meer, A Mehta, K Meier, AB Meyer, H Meyer, J Meyer, PO Meyer, S Mikocki, D Milstead, S Mohrdieck, MN Mondragon, F Moreau, A Morozov, JV Morris, K Muller, P Murin, V Nagovizin, B Naroska, J Naumann, T Naumann, G Nellen, PR Newman, F Niebergall, C Niebuhr, O Nix, G Nowak, M Nozicka, JE Olsson, D Ozerov, V Panassik, C Pascaud, GD Patel, M Peez, E Perez, A Petrukhin, JP Phillips, D Pitzl, R Poschl, I Potachnikova, B Povh, G Radel, J Rauschenberger, P Reimer, B Reisert, C Risler, E Rizvi, P Robmann, R Roosen, A Rostovtsev, S Rusakov, K Rybicki, DPC Sankey, S Schatzel, J Scheins, FP Schilling, P Schleper, D Schmidt, D Schmidt, S Schmidt, S Schmitt, M Schneider, L Schoeffel, A Schoning, T Schorner, V Schroder, HC Schultz-Coulon, C Schwanenberger, K Sedlak, F Sefkow, V Shekelyan, I Sheviakov, LN Shtarkov, Y Sirois, T Sloan, P Smirnov, Y Soloviev, D South, V Spaskov, A Specka, H Spitzer, R Stamen, B Stella, J Stiewe, I Strauch, U Straumann, M Swart, S Tchetchelnitski, G Thompson, PD Thompson, F Tomasz, D Traynor, P Truol, G Tsipolitis, I Tsurin, J Turnau, JE Turney, E Tzamariudaki, S Udluft, A Uraev, M Urban, A Usik, S Valkar, A Valkarova, C Vallee, P Van Mechelen, S Vassiliev, Y Vazdik, A Vest, A Vichnevski, K Wacker, J Wagner, R Wallny, B Waugh, G Weber, D Wegener, C Werner, N Werner, M Wessels, G White, S Wiesand, T Wilksen, M Winde, GG Winter, C Wissing, M Wobisch, EE Woehrling, E Wunsch, AC Wyatt, J Zacek, J Zalesak, Z Zhang, A Zhokin, F Zomer, M zur Nedden

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikel i vetenskaplig tidskriftPeer review


An analysis of inelastic photoproduction of J/psi mesons is presented using data collected at the ep collider HERA corresponding to an integrated luminosity of above 80 pb(-1), Differential and double I < P-t/psi(2) < differential cross sections are measured in a wide kinematic region: 60 < W-gammap < 260 GeV, 1 p(t,psi)(2) < 60 GeV2 and 0.05 < z < 0.9. where z is the fraction of the energy of the exchanged photon transferred to the J/psi meson in the rest frame of the target proton. Cross sections at z less than or similar to 0.3 are presented for the first time. Theoretical calculations within the Colour Singlet Model at NLO for direct photon processes are shown to give a good description of the data in the medium z region (0.3 < z < 0.9) up to the highest p(t,psi)(2) values. A calculation using a k(t) factorisation approach in LO in the Colour Singlet Model is also able to describe these data. The data in the full z range are also compared to LO calculations within a non-relativistic QCD framework including colour octet and colour singlet contributions for direct and resolved photons. It seems possible to reconcile data and theory with modest contributions from colour octet processes. The polarisation of the J/psi meson is measured as a function of z and p(t,psi) and is reasonably described by the theoretical predictions.
Sidor (från-till)25-39
TidskriftEuropean Physical Journal C. Particles and Fields
StatusPublished - 2002

Bibliografisk information

The information about affiliations in this record was updated in December 2015.
The record was previously connected to the following departments: Particle Physics (011013002), Chemical Physics (S) (011001060)

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Subatomär fysik


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