Interferon-gamma inhibits ghrelin expression and secretion via a somatostatin-mediated mechanism

Jesper A. B. Strickertsson, Kristina B. V. Dossing, Anna J. M. Aabakke, Hans-Olof Nilsson, Thomas V. O. Hansen, Ulrich Knigge, Andreas Kjaer, Torkel Wadström, Lennart Friis-Hansen

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikel i vetenskaplig tidskriftPeer review


AIM: To investigate if and how the proinflammatory cytokine interferon gamma (IFN gamma) affects ghrelin expression in mice. METHODS: The plasma concentration of ghrelin, and gastric ghrelin and somatostatin expression, were examined in wild-type mice and mice infected with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylon). Furthermore, ghrelin expression was examined in two achlorhydric mouse models with varying degrees of gastritis due to bacterial overgrowth. To study the effect of IFN gamma alone, mice were given a subcutaneous infusion of IFN gamma for 7 d. Finally, the influence of IFN gamma, and somatostatin on the ghrelin promoter was characterized. RESULTS: H. pylori infection was associated with a 50% reduction in ghrelin expression and plasma concentration. Suppression of ghrelin expression was inversely correlated with gastric inflammation in achlorhdyric mouse models. Subcutaneous infusion of IFN gamma suppressed fundic ghrelin mRNA expression and plasma ghrelin concentrations. Finally, we showed that the ghrelin promoter operates under the control of somatostatin but not under that of IFN gamma. CONCLUSION: Gastric infection and inflammation is associated with increased IFN gamma expression and reduced ghrelin expression. IFN gamma does not directly control ghrelin expression but inhibits it indirectly via somatostatin. (C) 2011 Baishideng. All rights reserved.
Sidor (från-till)3117-3125
TidskriftWorld Journal of Gastroenterology
StatusPublished - 2011

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Gastroenterologi


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