Lattice Engineering via Transition Metal Ions for Boosting Photoluminescence Quantum Yields of Lead-Free Layered Double Perovskite Nanocrystals

Maning Liu, Sri Kasi Matta, Tarek Al Said, Jiatu Liu, Anastasia Matuhina, Basheer Al-Anesi, Harri Ali-Löytty, Kimmo Lahtonen, Salvy P. Russo, Paola Vivo

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift


Lead-free layered double perovskite nanocrystals (NCs), i.e., Cs4M(II)M(III)2Cl12, have recently attracted increasing attention for potential optoelectronic applications due to their low toxicity, direct bandgap nature, and high structural stability. However, the low photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY, <1%) or even no observed emissions at room temperature have severely blocked the further development of this type of lead-free halide perovskites. Herein, two new layered perovskites, Cs4CoIn2Cl12 (CCoI) and Cs4ZnIn2Cl12 (CZnI), are successfully synthesized at the nanoscale based on previously reported Cs4CuIn2Cl12 (CCuI) NCs, by tuning the M(II) site with different transition metal ions for lattice tailoring. Benefiting from the formation of more self-trapped excitons (STEs) in the distorted lattices, CCoI and CZnI NCs exhibit significantly strengthened STE emissions toward white light compared to the case of almost non-emissive CCuI NCs, by achieving PLQYs of 4.3% and 11.4% respectively. The theoretical and experimental results hint that CCoI and CZnI NCs possess much lower lattice deformation energies than that of reference CCuI NCs, which are favorable for the recombination of as-formed STEs in a radiative way. This work proposes an effective strategy of lattice engineering to boost the photoluminescent properties of lead-free layered double perovskites for their future warm white light-emitting applications.
StatusE-pub ahead of print - 2024 maj 29

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