Livsmedelsprotesterna i Malmö 1799

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This is at study of a food riot that took place in the southern Swedish city of Malmö in 1799. It demonstrates that E P Thompon’s influential concept of a “moral economy” still is a quite productive analytical tool. Focusing on the relation between the crowd and the authorities, the essay demonstrates that a moral economy was partly shared by the two groups, but clashed with the new ideology of free trade in grains. Authorities combined a strategy of negotiations and concessions with brutal repression.
Bidragets översatta titel Food riots in Malmö 1799
Sidor (från-till)8-12
TidskriftArbetarhistoria: Meddelanden från arbetarrörelsens arkiv och bibliotek
StatusPublished - 2014

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Historia


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