Luminescence and reactivity of a charge-transfer excited iron complex with nanosecond lifetime

Kasper Skov Kjær, Nidhi Kaul, Om Prakash, Pavel Chábera, Nils W. Rosemann, Alireza Honarfar, Olga Gordivska, Lisa A. Fredin, Karl-Erik Bergquist, Lennart Häggström, Tore Ericsson, Linnea Lindh, Arkady Yartsev, Stenbjörn Styring, Ping Huang, Jens Uhlig, Jesper Bendix, Daniel Strand, Villy Sundström, Petter PerssonReiner Lomoth, Kenneth Wärnmark

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikel i vetenskaplig tidskriftPeer review


Iron’s abundance and rich coordination chemistry are potentially appealing features for photochemical applications. However, the photoexcitable charge-transfer (CT) states of most Fe complexes are limited by picosecond or sub-picosecond deactivation through low-lying metal centered (MC) states, resulting in inefficient electron transfer reactivity and complete lack of photoluminescence. Here we show that octahedral coordination of Fe(III) by two mono-anionic facial tris-carbene ligands can suppress such deactivation dramatically. The resulting complex [Fe(phtmeimb)2]+, where phtmeimb is [phenyl(tris(3-methylimidazol-1-ylidene))borate]-, exhibits strong, visible, room temperature photoluminescence with a 2.0 ns lifetime and 2% quantum yield via spin-allowed transition from a ligand-to-metal charge-transfer (2 LMCT) state to the ground state (2 GS). Reductive and oxidative electron transfer reactions were observed for the2 LMCT state of [Fe(phtmeimb)2]+ in bimolecular quenching studies with methylviologen and diphenylamine.

Sidor (från-till)249-253
Tidigt onlinedatum2018 nov.
StatusPublished - 2019

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Teoretisk kemi
  • Fysikalisk kemi
  • Atom- och molekylfysik och optik


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