Magnetostatic interactions in planar ring-like nanoparticle structures

Yu.A. Koksharov, G.B. Khomutov, E.S. Soldatov, Dmitry Suyatin, Ivan Maximov, Lars Montelius, Patrick Carlberg

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikel i vetenskaplig tidskriftPeer review


Numerical calculations of equilibrium state energies and local magnetic fields in planar ring-like nanoparticle structures were performed. The dipole–dipole, Zeeman and magnetic anisotropy interactions were included into the model. The result of their competition depends on the value of the external magnetic field, magnetic parameters of an individual nanoparticle, size and shape of the structures. Flux-closed vortexes, single domain, two- domain ‘‘onion’’-like, ‘‘hedgehog’’-like and more complex spin structures can be realized. The critical field, providing a sharp transition from the flux-closed vortex to the ‘‘onion’’-like state, can be regulated by a variation of the particle magnetization and anisotropy constant, their easy directions, and particle space arrangement.
Sidor (från-till)731-734
TidskriftThin Solid Films
StatusPublished - 2006
Evenemang13th Intl Congr on Thin Films and 8th Intl Conf on Atomically Controlled Surf, Interfaces and Nanostr, Stockholm, Sweden (2005) - Stockholm, Sverige
Varaktighet: 2005 juni 192005 juni 23
Konferensnummer: 13/8

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Den kondenserade materiens fysik


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