
We report a new design of an acoustophoretic trapping device with significantly increased capacity and throughput, compared to current commercial acoustic trapping systems. Acoustic trapping enables nanoparticle and extracellular vesicle (EV) enrichment without ultracentrifugation. Current commercial acoustic trapping technology uses an acoustic single-node resonance and typically operates at flow rates <50 μL/min, which limits the processing of the larger samples. Here, we use a larger capillary that supports an acoustic multinode resonance, which increased the seed particle capacity 40 times and throughput 25-40 times compared to single-node systems. The resulting increase in capacity and throughput was demonstrated by isolation of nanogram amounts of microRNA from acoustically trapped urinary EVs within 10 min. Additionally, the improved trapping performance enabled isolation of extracellular vesicles for downstream mass spectrometry analysis. This was demonstrated by the differential protein abundance profiling of urine samples (1-3 mL), derived from the non-trapped versus trapped urine samples.

Sidor (från-till)3929-3937
TidskriftAnalytical Chemistry
StatusPublished - 2021 mars 2

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Medicinteknik
  • Medicinsk bioteknologi (med inriktning mot cellbiologi (inklusive stamcellsbiologi), molekylärbiologi, mikrobiologi, biokemi eller biofarmaci)


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