New improved method for 2D arterial wall movement measurements

Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/Conference proceedingKonferenspaper i proceedingPeer review


We have recently reported that the inner layers of the arteries, the intima-media complex, of common carotid artery, move as much in the longitudinal direction as in the radial direction, during the cardiac cycle. In order to study this phenomenon we have developed a high-resolution ultrasonic method that can simultaneously record both the longitudinal and the radial movements of the arterial wall non-invasively in vivo. However, in young individuals with large movements and with thin intima-media complex it happens sometimes that the echoes from the adventitia region interfere. To be able to minimise the size of the region-of-interest in the radial direction, we suggest that the radial movement of the arterial vessel is first measured and that the radial movement is used as a priori information when the longitudinal movement is measured. The mean difference between the two methods is 8 and 2 standard deviation is 24 μm
Titel på värdpublikationProceedings of the International Federation for Medical & Biomedical Engineering. 13th Nordic Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics
FörlagInt. Federation for Medical and Biological Eng
ISBN (tryckt)91-7305-910-2
StatusPublished - 2005
EvenemangProceedings of the International Federation for Medical & Biomedical Engineering. 13th Nordic Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics - Umea, Sverige
Varaktighet: 2005 juni 132005 juni 17


KonferensProceedings of the International Federation for Medical & Biomedical Engineering. 13th Nordic Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Medicinteknik


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