Optimization of energy-window settings for scatter correction in quantitative In-111 imaging: Comparison of measurements and Monte Carlo simulations

Maria Holstensson, Cecilia Hindorf, Michael Ljungberg, Mike Partridge, Glenn D. Flux

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikel i vetenskaplig tidskriftPeer review


Activity quantification in nuclear medicine imaging is highly desirable, particularly for dosimetry and biodistribution studies of radiopharmaceuticals. Quantitative In-111 imaging is increasingly important with the current interest in therapy using Y-90 radiolabeled antibodies. One of the major problems in quantification is scatter in the images, which leads to degradation of image quality. The aim of this study was to optimize the energy-window settings for quantitative In-111 imaging with a camera that enabled acquisition in three energy windows. Experimental measurements and Monte Carlo simulations, using the SI-MIND code, were conducted to investigate parameters such as sensitivity, image contrast, and image resolution. Estimated scatter-to-total ratios and distributions, as obtained by the different window settings, were compared with corresponding simulations. Results showed positive agreement between experimental measurements and results from simulations, both quantitatively and qualitatively. We conclude that of the investigated methods, the optimal energy-window setting was two windows centered at 171 and 245 keV, together with a broad scatter window located between the photopeaks.
Sidor (från-till)136-142
TidskriftCancer Biotherapy & Radiopharmaceuticals
StatusPublished - 2007

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Cancer och onkologi


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