Performing shame: alignments between aesthetic gestures, structures of feeling, and value judgments

Forskningsoutput: KonferensbidragKonferensabstractPeer review


In this paper, I discuss artworks in which the artists make use of the affect of shame to problematize art fields as “structures-of-feeling” (Williams, 1977), from feminist, queer and anti-racist perspectives. Based on Sara Ahmed’s (2010) suggestion that feelings may be how structures get under our skin I argue that these artworks critically depict the role that emotions play for the compliance to and maintenance of dominant values and meanings in various fields of art.
Antal sidor1
StatusPublished - 2019 apr. 11
EvenemangAffects, flux, fluides : Représentations, histoires et politiques des émotions en arts - Strasbourg university, Strasbourg, Frankrike
Varaktighet: 2019 apr. 102019 apr. 12


KonferensAffects, flux, fluides

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Konstvetenskap


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