Problems, problem-solving and problem-solving networks - a theoretical foundation for FIRE21

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This document is created within the research project Nordic Fire and Rescue Services in the Twenty First Century (FIRE21). In this project, the fire and rescue services are seen as both governed by, and dependent on, formal and informal networks. A fundamental assumption in the research project is that efficient emergency management is dependent on efficient problem-solving in these networks. As a consequence, the formal and informal networks are here seen as potential problem-solving networks (PSN) that can facilitate efficient problem-solving for the fire and rescue services, and thereby contribute to better handling of emergencies and disasters.

Solving problems is as obvious as it is challenging during an emergency or disaster. Some of the problems are easy to understand and solve, others are more difficult or cannot even be understood or solved. Some problems occur immediately, while others appear along the way. As a theoretical concept, problem-solving is part of many fields and studied in many different ways. It has played, and still plays, an important role in various fields like mathematics, psychology and computer science. Theories and ideas that develop in such diverse fields are not always in sync and quite often in conflict with each other. The purpose of this document is however not to present a comprehensive review on problem-solving research, but rather to describe literature and ideas concerning problems, problem-solving and problem-solving networks that can be relevant to FIRE21. It also serves to contribute to a common understanding of these concepts for FIRE21 project members, an understanding that can be used in common deliverables in the project.
FörlagLund University
Antal sidor18
StatusPublished - 2021

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Annan samhällsbyggnadsteknik


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