Radiographers’ academic development in Sweden: Towards and after a doctoral degree

B. T. Andersson, M. Lundén, S. M. Lundgren

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikel i vetenskaplig tidskriftPeer review


Introduction: Radiography is a young discipline and having radiographers with a doctoral degree is central for its development. Academic development of this field in Sweden has been evolving. This study explored the diagnostic radiographers’ prerequisites for doctoral studies, post-doctoral employment and research activities. Methods: Data were collected through a questionnaire designed to give insight into doctoral radiographers’ qualification paths, funding, doctoral status, employment and basic demography. Sixteen radiographers participated. A conventional content analysis was used. Results: The median age at dissertation defence was 53 for doctorates and 60 for licentiates. This indicates that after receiving the doctorate, there is short time left in the profession, increasing the challenge to develop the field. Most doctorates were employed within educational establishments. Unfortunately, few had supervised doctoral students, but those employed within academia contributed significantly to academic research. Conclusion: Compared to other Nordic countries, Sweden is at the forefront with a positive development in obtained high academic degrees. Nevertheless, there is an urgent need for post-doctorate radiographers in order to maintain the workforce to meet current and future demands. Radiographers with doctorates need to be consulted when planning research projects to establish a clear radiographic perspective. Swedish radiographers with a doctorate or licentiate have limited research time, indicating that Sweden may not invest enough in radiographic research. Implications for practice: There is a need for more doctoral positions and doctorates radiographers to supervise doctoral students. Clinical departments should recognise the benefits of having radiographic clinical research.

Sidor (från-till)275-281
Antal sidor7
StatusPublished - 2020 nov. 1

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Radiologi och bildbehandling


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