Recently accepted for the waiting list for heart or lung transplantation - patients' experiences of information and support.

Bodil Ivarsson, Björn Ekmehag, Trygve Sjöberg

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikel i vetenskaplig tidskriftPeer review


The aim of the study was to describe the patients' experiences of the information and support they received after being placed on the waiting list for a heart or lung transplant. The design was qualitative, and the critical incident technique was used. Incidents were collected via interviews with 21 patients. A total of 357 important events, both positive and negative, were identified and divided into two main groups: Body and mind and Information and support. The following subgroups emerged: chronic illness affects the patients, attitudes towards the future, impact of information, support from public organizations, and support from the private sphere. The patients showed knowledge of and involvement in the upcoming transplantation, which indicates that healthcare professionals managed to convey information and support effectively. By identifying the importance of factors such as body and mind and information and support for patients recently accepted for heart or lung transplantation, healthcare professionals are able to make specific improvements in the information and support that they provide. An important implication is to enhance the knowledge regarding transplant patients in other institutions and improve cooperation. Specific support programs to assist patients who have dependent children should be developed. Society needs to become more enlightened about organ donation and transplantation patients.
Sidor (från-till)E664-E671
TidskriftClinical Transplantation
StatusPublished - 2011

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Kardiologi


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