Recrystallisation behaviour of native and processed waxy maize starch in relation to the molecular characteristics

Lidia Elfstrand, T Frigard, R Andersson, Ann-Charlotte Eliasson, M Jönsson, M Reslow, Marie Wahlgren

    Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikel i vetenskaplig tidskriftPeer review


    Molecular characteristics were determined for native waxy maize starch and maize starch modified in different way (by mechanical treatment or/and acid hydrolysis). Recrystallisation behaviour was studied. Methods used in this study were MALLS, HPAEC-PAD, NMR, DSC, SEM, light microscopy. Five starch materials were subjected to storage under the same conditions in the presence of water (70 w/w%). Molecular weight, radius of gyration, initial crystallinity, and degree of polymerisation, degree of branching, chain length distribution profiles, were related to nucleation rate during the recrystallisation process, rate of recrystallisation, thermal stability and amount of obtained crystallinity. This allowed the following connections between the molecular characteristics and kinetic of recrystallisation to be proposed: Amylopectin molecular weight appeared to affect the number of starch crystallites formed and amount of crystallinity but not the stability of the rebuilt crystallites. The stability of rebuilt crystallites can be controlled by degree of polymerization, degree of branching and unit chain length distribution, characteristics which were similar for the starches. A mixture of two starches, with and without crystalline structure in initial state but with molecular weight in same range, were stored and scanned in order to understand possible cocrystallisation effects. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
    Sidor (från-till)389-400
    TidskriftCarbohydrate Polymers
    StatusPublished - 2004

    Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

    • Livsmedelsteknik


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