Respiratory tract deposition of fine and ultrafine hydrophobic and hygroscopic aerosol particles during rest and exercise

Jakob Löndahl, Andreas Massling, Joakim Pagels, Erik Swietlicki, Elvira Vaclavik, Steffen Loft

Forskningsoutput: KonferensbidragKonferenspaper, ej i proceeding/ej förlagsutgivetPeer review

StatusPublished - 2006
EvenemangNordic Society for Aerosol Research (NOSA) Annual Symposia, 2006 - Helsinki, Finland
Varaktighet: 2006 nov. 82006 nov. 10


KonferensNordic Society for Aerosol Research (NOSA) Annual Symposia, 2006

Bibliografisk information

The information about affiliations in this record was updated in December 2015.
The record was previously connected to the following departments: Nuclear Physics (Faculty of Technology) (011013007), Ergonomics and Aerosol Technology (011025002)

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Produktionsteknik, arbetsvetenskap och ergonomi
  • Subatomär fysik

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