RF and DC Analysis of Stressed InGaAs MOSFETs

Guntrade Roll, Erik Lind, Mikael Egard, Sofia Johansson, Lars Ohlsson, Lars-Erik Wernersson

Forskningsoutput: Bidrag till övrig tidskrift/dags- eller nyhetstidningArtikel i facktidskrift eller populärpressPopulärvetenskap

376 Nedladdningar (Pure)


A complete reliability study of the DC and RF characteristics for InGaAs nMOSFETs with aluminium oxide/ hafnium oxide dielectric is presented. The main stress variation at high frequencies is related to a threshold voltage shift, whereas no decrease is found in the maximum of the cut-off frequency and RF-transconductance. Constant gate stress leads to a charge build up causing a threshold voltage shift. Furthermore, electron trapping at the drain side degrades the performance after hot carrier stress. The maximum DC-transconductance is reduced following constant gate bias stress, by an increase in charge trapping at border defects. These border defects at the channel/high-k interface are filled by cold carrier trapping when the transistor is turned on, whereas they do not respond at high frequencies.
SpecialistpublikationIEEE Electron Device Letters
FörlagIEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
StatusPublished - 2014

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Elektroteknik och elektronik


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