Rilievo tridimensionale di reperti archeologici: tecniche a confronto

Luca Bezzi, Nicolo Dell'Unto

Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/Conference proceedingKonferenspaper i proceedingPeer review


This contribution is intended to present the results of some comparative tests between different techniques for tridimensional digital documentation, applied to archaeological finds. Both open source and proprietary solutions have been analyzed, investigating pros and cons of their approach and considering the characteristics
of hardware and software components from an archaeological point of view.
Our attentions was especially focused on Computer Vision applications (mainly based on software) with a comparison of Microsoft’s product Photosynth with the GPL licensed Bundler. Another point of interest
(hardware side) has been the investigation on optic sensors, which took us to concentrate on the triangolation laserscan Next Engine (proprietary) and on the structured light Three Phase Scan (open source).
Titel på värdpublikationArcheofoss
Undertitel på värdpublikationopen source, free software e open format nei processi di ricerca archeologica. atti del VI Workshop, Napoli, 9-10 giugno 2011
RedaktörerFrancesca Catone
ISBN (tryckt)978-88-7478-032-7
StatusPublished - 2013
EvenemangARCHEOFOSS. Open Source, Free Software e Open Format nei processi di ricerca archeologica - Napoli
Varaktighet: 2011 juni 92011 juni 10


NamnQuaderni del Centro Studi Magna Grecia


KonferensARCHEOFOSS. Open Source, Free Software e Open Format nei processi di ricerca archeologica

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Antikvetenskap

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