ROSSMARie: A Domain-Specific Language To Express Dynamic Safety Rules and Recovery Strategies for Autonomous Robots

Forskningsoutput: KonferensbidragKonferensabstract


Ensuring functional safety is a critical challenge for autonomous robots, as they must operate reliably and predictably despite uncertainty. However, existing safety measures can over-constrain the system, limiting the robot’s availability to perform its assigned task. To address this problem, we propose a more flexible strategy that equips robots with the
ability to adapt to system failures and recover from those situations without human intervention. We extend a domain-specific language, Declarative Robot Safety (DeROS), whose runtime stops a robot whenever it violates a safety rule (e.g., proximity to a human). Our extended language, ROSSMARie, adds the capability to monitor whether a rule is no longer violated and to recover and resume robot operation. We validate ROSSMARie on the ROS-based industrial platform SkiROS2 and verify its effectiveness in achieving safety and availability. Our experiments demonstrate that our DSL extension ensures
functional safety while enabling robots to complete their tasks.
StatusPublished - 2023
EvenemangSecond Workshop on Quality and Reliability Assessment of Robotic Software Architectures and Components - London, Storbritannien
Varaktighet: 2023 juni 22023 juni 2


WorkshopSecond Workshop on Quality and Reliability Assessment of Robotic Software Architectures and Components

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Robotteknik och automation


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