Rotational CARS N-2 thermometry: validation experiments for the influence of nitrogen spectral line broadening by hydrogen

Alexis Bohlin, Fredrik Vestin, Jeanine Bonamy, Pierre Joubert, Per-Erik Bengtsson

Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/Conference proceedingKonferenspaper i proceedingPeer review


Rotational coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS) in fuel-rich hydrocarbon flames, with a large content of hydrogen in the product gases (similar to 20%), has in previous work shown that evaluated temperatures are raised several tens of Kelvin by taking newly derived N-2-H-2 Raman line widths into account. To validate these results, in this work calibrated temperature measurements at around 300, 500 and 700 K were performed in a cell with binary gas mixtures of nitrogen and hydrogen. The temperature evaluation was made with respect to Raman line widths either from self-broadened nitrogen only, N-2-N-2 [energy-corrected-sudden (ECS)], or by also taking nitrogen broadened by hydrogen, N-2-H-2 [Robert-Bonamy (RB)], Raman line widths into account. With increased amount of hydrogen in the cell at constant temperature, the evaluated CARS temperatures were clearly lowered with the use of Raman line widths from self-broadened nitrogen only, and the case with inclusion of N-2-H-2 Raman line widths was more successful. The difference in evaluated temperatures between the two different sets increases approximately linearly, reaching 20 K (at T similar to 300 K), 43 K (at T = 500 K) and 61 K (at T = 700 K) at the highest hydrogen concentration (90%). The results from this work further emphasize the importance of using adequate Raman line widths for accurate rotational CARS thermometry. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Titel på värdpublikationJournal of Raman Spectroscopy
FörlagJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.
StatusPublished - 2010
Evenemang8th European Conference on Nonlinear Spectroscopy (ECONOS)/28th Workshop on Coherent Antistokes Raman Scattering (CARS) Spectroscopy - Frascati, ITALY
Varaktighet: 2009 maj 252009 maj 27


ISSN (tryckt)0377-0486


Konferens8th European Conference on Nonlinear Spectroscopy (ECONOS)/28th Workshop on Coherent Antistokes Raman Scattering (CARS) Spectroscopy

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Atom- och molekylfysik och optik


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