Science, Language, and Reform in Victorian Poetry: Political Dialects

Forskningsoutput: Bok/rapportBokForskningPeer review


Barrow’s timely book is the first to examine the link between Victorian poetry, the study of language, and political reform. Focusing on a range of literary, scientific, and political texts, Barrow demonstrates that nineteenth-century debates about language played a key role in shaping emergent ideas about popular sovereignty. While Victorian scientists studied the origins of speech, the history of dialects, and the barrier between human and animal language, poets such as Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Alfred Tennyson, and Thomas Hardy drew on this research to explore social unrest, the expansion of the electorate, and the ever-widening boundaries of empire. Science, Language, and Reform in Victorian Poetry recovers unacknowledged links between poetry, philology, and political culture, and contributes to recent movements in literary studies that combine historicist and formalist approaches.

UtgivningsortNew York
Antal sidor196
ISBN (elektroniskt)9780429200922
ISBN (tryckt)9781032092331, 9780367191856
StatusPublished - 2019
Externt publiceradJa


NamnThe Nineteenth Century Series

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Litteraturvetenskap
  • Idé- och lärdomshistoria


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