Serialization in Literature across Media and Markets

Forskningsoutput: Bok/rapportBokForskningPeer review


Serialization is an old narrative strategy and a form of publication that can be traced far back in literary history, yet serial narratives are as popular as ever. This book investigates a resurgence of serial narratives in contemporary literary culture.

Analyzing series as diverse as Mark Z. Danielewski’s experimental book series The Familiar; audiobook series by the Swedish streaming service Storytel; children’s books by Lemony Snicket and Philip Pullman and their adaptations into screen; and serial writing and reading on the writing site Wattpad, the book traces how contemporary series at once are shaped by literary tradition and develop the format according to the logics of new media and digital technologies.

The book sheds light on the interplay between the selected serials' narrative content and medial, social, and economic contexts, drawing on insights from literary studies, literary sociology, media studies, and cultural studies. Serialization in Literature Across Media and Markets thus contributes a unique and interdisciplinary perspective on a historical phenomenon that has proved ever more successful in contemporary media culture. It is a book for researchers and students of literature and media and for anyone who likes a good series and wants to understand why.
Antal sidor134
ISBN (elektroniskt)9781003265894
ISBN (tryckt)9780367608095
StatusPublished - 2021 dec. 10

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Litteraturvetenskap


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