Showcase of Existing Active Teaching Practices

A Mansourian, Pengxiang Zhao, Carsten Kessler, Nathalie Küppers, Glenn Vancauwenberghe, Lisa Lacroix, Frederika Welle Donker, Bastiaan van Leonen

Forskningsoutput: Bok/rapportRapportForskning


This report presents showcases of active teaching and learning in spatial data infrastructure education in the SPIDER partner universities. It includes detailed descriptions of the practices that have been implemented, as well as the results of the evaluation of the practices from an active teaching learning perspective.
FörlagSpider, EU
StatusPublished - 2021

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Geovetenskap och miljövetenskap
  • Utbildningsvetenskap


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