Social Media and New Forms for Civic Participation

Tobias Olsson

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragRecension av bok/film/utställning etc.Peer review

Sidor (från-till)2242-2248
TidskriftNew Media and Society
Tidigt onlinedatum2016 juli 7
StatusPublished - 2016 nov.

Bibliografisk information

Reviewed work(s):

Social Media and the Politics of Reportage: The ‘Arab Spring’ (by Saba Bebawi & Diana Bossio)

The Logic of Connective Action: Digital Media and the Personalization of Contentious Politics. (by Lance W Bennett & Alexandra Segerberg)

Analyzing Political Communication with Digital Trace Data: The Role of Twitter Messages in Social Science Research. (by Andreas Jungherr)

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