Spelberoende är en högaktuell diagnos - Snabba internetspel om pengar har stor beroendepotential – KBT ger god effekt

Carolina Widinghoff, Anders C. Håkansson

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikel i vetenskaplig tidskriftPeer review


Gambling disorder is a serious condition and a current issue in Sweden. The national prevalence of problem gambling is 2 %, including 0.4 % meeting criteria for gambling disorder, but the incidence numbers are substantially higher due to the dynamic pattern of the disorder with people moving into and out of the problem gambling group. Rapid internet games, such as internet casinos and sports betting, cause a predominant share of the gambling problems, and the market has shown an unrestrained growth for years. New public amendments are upcoming and from the 1st of January 2018, healthcare and social services have a pronounced obligation to offer investigations and treatment (mainly CBT) for gambling disorder. The psychiatric comorbidity is high, and the risk of suicide is clearly elevated among people with gambling disorder. There are quick, evidence-based screening tools that can easily be used in clinical work, as initial steps of investigations. The need for implementing effective national strategies and further research in the area is considerable.

Bidragets översatta titel Gambling disorder - a current issue in Sweden
StatusPublished - 2018 nov. 14

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Psykiatri


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