Stereotactic body radiotherapy for medically inoperable patients with stage I non-small cell lung cancer - A first report of toxicity related to COPD/CVD in a non-randomized prospective phase II study

Pia Baumann, Jan Nyman, Morten Hoyer, Giovanna Gagliardi, Ingmar Lax, Berit Wennberg, Ninni Drugge, Lars Ekberg, Signe Friesland, Karl-Axel Johansson, Jo-Asmund Lund, Elisabeth Morhed, Kristina Nilsson, Nina Levin, Merete Paludan, Christer Sederholm, Anders Traberg, Lena Wittgren, Rolf Lewensohn

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikel i vetenskaplig tidskriftPeer review


Background and Aims: In a retrospective study using stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) in medically inoperable patients with stage I NSCLC we previously reported a local control rate of 88% utilizing a median dose of 15 Gy x 3. This report records the toxicity encountered in a prospective phase II trial, and its relation to coexisting chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Material and methods: Sixty patients were entered in the study between August 2003 and September 2005. Fifty-seven patients (T1 65%, T2 35%) with a median age of 75 years (59-87 years) were evaluable. The baseline mean FEV1% was 64% and median Karnofsky index was 80. A total dose of 45 Gy was delivered in three fractions at the 67% isodose of the PTV. Clinical, pulmonary and radiological evaluations were made at 6 weeks, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, and 36 months post-SBRT. Toxicity was graded according to CTC v2.0 and performance status was graded according to the Karnofsky scale. Results: At a median follow-up of 23 months, 2 patients had relapsed locally. No grade 4 or 5 toxicity was reported. Grade 3 toxicity was seen in 12 patients (21%). There was no significant decline of FEV1% during follow-up. Low grade pneumonitis developed to the same extent in the CVD 3/17 (18%) and COPD 7/40 (18%) groups. The incidence of fibrosis was 9/17 (53%) and pleural effusions was 8/17 (47%) in the CVD group compared with 13/40 (33%) and 5/40 (13%) in the COPD group. Conclusion: SBRT for stage I NSCLC patients who are medically inoperable because of COPD and CVD results in a favourable local control rate with a low incidence of grade 3 and no grade 4 or 5 toxicity. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved. Radiotherapy and Oncology 88 (2008) 359-367.
Sidor (från-till)359-367
TidskriftRadiotherapy and Oncology
StatusPublished - 2008

Bibliografisk information

The information about affiliations in this record was updated in December 2015.
The record was previously connected to the following departments: Emergency medicine/Medicine/Surgery (013240200)

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Klinisk medicin


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