Stress testing the vector-boson-fusion approximation in multijet final states

Francisco Campanario, Terrance M. Figy, Simon Plätzer, Michael Rauch, Peter Schichtel, Malin Sjödahl

    Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikel i vetenskaplig tidskriftPeer review


    We consider electroweak Higgs plus three jets production at NLO QCD beyond strict VBF acceptance cuts. We investigate, for the first time, how accurate the VBF approximation is in these regions and within perturbative uncertainties by a detailed comparison of full and approximate calculations. We find that a rapidity gap between the tagging jets guarantees a good approximation, while an invariant mass cut alone is not sufficient, which needs to be confronted with experimental choices. We also find that a significant part of the QCD corrections can be attributed to Higgs-Strahlungs-type topologies.

    TidskriftPhysical Review D
    StatusPublished - 2018

    Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

    • Subatomär fysik


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