Structural, functional and circulatory placental changes associated with impaired glucose metabolism.

Pia Saldeen, Per Olofsson, Ricardo Laurini

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikel i vetenskaplig tidskriftPeer review


OBJECTIVE: To investigate associations between structural, functional and circulatory placental changes in pregnancies complicated by impaired glucose metabolism. DESIGN: Umbilical artery (UA) blood flow resistance was measured by Doppler velocimetry in 21 gravidae with diabetes/impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and 10 healthy gravidae. Umbilical and placental vessel segments were incubated for determination of prostacyclin and thromboxane synthesis, and tissues histologically examined. Non-parametric statistical tests at a two-tailed P<0.05 were used. RESULTS: Placental lesions were more common in diabetes/IGT and, although not being an uniform finding, in general associated with a higher vascular synthesis of thromboxane and/or lower prostacyclin/thromboxane synthesis ratio. As an exception, ischemic villitis was associated with a higher ratio and higher UA flow resistance. CONCLUSIONS: Placental lesions are associated with an altered vascular prostanoid synthesis in diabetes/IGT, but not until structural signs of ischemia develop is a rise of UA blood flow resistance detected.
Sidor (från-till)136-142
TidskriftEuropean Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology
StatusPublished - 2002

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Reproduktionsmedicin och gynekologi


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