Student-centred GP ambassadors: Perceptions of experienced clinical tutors in general practice undergraduate training

Bernhard Von Below, Ann-Christin Haffling, Annika Brorsson, Bengt Mattsson, Mats Wahlqvist

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikel i vetenskaplig tidskriftPeer review

215 Nedladdningar (Pure)


Objective. To explore experienced general practitioner (GP) tutor perceptions of a skilled GP tutor of medical students. Design. Interview study based on focus groups. Setting. Twenty GPs experienced in tutoring medical students at primary health care centres in two Swedish regions were interviewed. Method. Four focus-group interviews were analysed using qualitative content analysis. Subjects. Twenty GP tutors, median age 50, specifically selected according to age, gender, and location participated in two focus groups in Gothenburg and Malmo, respectively. Main outcome measures. Meaning units in the texts were extracted, coded and condensed into categories and themes. Results. Three main themes emerged: "Professional as GP and ambassador to general practice", "Committed and student-centred educator", and "Coordinator of the learning environment". Conclusion. Experienced GP tutors describe their skills as a clinical tutor as complex and diversified. A strong professional identity within general practice is vital and GP tutors describe themselves as ambassadors to general practice, essential to the process of recruiting a new generation of general practitioners. Leaders of clinical education and health care planners must understand the complexity in a clinical tutor's assignment and provide adequate support, time, and resources in order to facilitate a sustainable tutorship and a good learning environment, which could also improve the necessary recruitment of future GPs.
Sidor (från-till)142-149
TidskriftScandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care
StatusPublished - 2015

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Pedagogiskt arbete
  • Hälso- och sjukvårdsorganisation, hälsopolitik och hälsoekonomi


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