Supplying Production Instruction Knowledge to the Construction Sites

Mats Persson, Bengt Hansson

    Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/Conference proceedingKonferenspaper i proceedingPeer review

    2 Nedladdningar (Pure)


    A systems analysis of construction project management revealed inconsistencies within and between subsystems that aim at supporting the in-service training of the craftsmen and utilise their ability to perform their tasks effectively. The information and knowledge that construction workers were provided on construction site appear to be poorly matched with what is required. Site managers, designers and suppliers could and should have better means and informational resources to adequately instructing the site operatives (craftsmen) in details of the task at hand. The process of accumulating and transferring knowledge on construction site is poorly developed. To improve this situation, it is important to facilitate the coordination of various system components and increase site operatives potential to perform their work in accordance with specifications and what has been agreed upon. A set of general site-use-adapted work instruction ( was developed which is applicable to a wide variety of tasks of construction workers. ByggAi aims to be a means of furthering knowledge development and strengthening continuous improvement.
    Titel på värdpublikationTransformation through Construction
    RedaktörerKate Carter, Stephen Ogunlana, Ammar Kaka
    FörlagSchool of the Built Environment, Heriot-Watt University
    Antal sidor10
    ISBN (tryckt)978-0-9561067-0-4
    StatusPublished - 2008
    EvenemangTransformation through construction Joint 2008 CIB WO65/WO55 Symposium - Dubai, United Arab Emitates
    Varaktighet: 2008 nov. 142008 nov. 17


    KonferensTransformation through construction Joint 2008 CIB WO65/WO55 Symposium

    Bibliografisk information

    Full paper available on CD

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    • Byggproduktion


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