Taking Seat

Forskningsoutput: Icke-textbaserad outputKonstnärligt arbete


The sound work "Taking Seat" by Robert Willim, could be experienced from a specially designed ‘sound bench’ placed outside Skissernas Museum in Lund. Combining manipulations of words and field recordings the work reflects practices of sitting.

What are the forces set in motion by sitting? What are the technologies and techniques of sitting?

Anthropologists argue that we have been living in The Sitting Society for a long time, building on the idea that in order for the mind to work at its’ best, the body should be in rest. The thinker, innovator and researcher sit down, doing work, figuring things out, setting things in motion. Sitting is simultaneously seen as a health problem, an epidemic, extended times of sitting as harmful. Then again, for many people, sitting is required for mobility. Taking seat in a train, a car, on a bicycle or for that matter in a wheel chair.

The work was conceived and composed especially for the Sound Bench by Audiorama, and premiered during the Future Week 2020.
FörlagLjudmiljöcentrum vid Lunds universitet
Utgivningsformatljudinspelning, musik
StatusPublished - 2020
EvenemangFramtidsveckan 2020: Krafter i rörelse -
Varaktighet: 2020 okt. 122020 okt. 18

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Etnologi


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