Teachers who ”try to be progressive”? Trans and non-binary young people’s experiences in school in Sweden

Forskningsoutput: KonferensbidragKonferensabstract


In this presentation, I will discuss results from a study with young trans and non-binary people on their experiences in school in Sweden. On the one hand, I am interested in the production of vulnerability through and within schools (rather than showing (off) trans and non-binary young people as the wound). Here, Natacha Kennedy’s terminology of cultural cis-genderism, Iwo Nord, Signe Bremer Gagnesjö and Erika Alm’s discussion of cis-normativity and Dean Spade’s concept of administrative violence are helpful. On the other hand, I want to look at moments and contexts where young trans and non-binary people are not made vulnerable. These are moments when teachers used trans-inclusive pedagogies and when structures were in place or set in motion that allowed the trans and non-binary young people to participate in their education without being excluded, and allowed their classmates to learn more about gender.
StatusPublished - 2019 nov. 14
EvenemangTrans, non-binary and Intersex (in) Education -
The 7th Nordic Transgender Studies network symposium
- Department of Gender Studies, Lund University, Lund, Sverige
Varaktighet: 2019 nov. 142019 nov. 15


KonferensTrans, non-binary and Intersex (in) Education -
The 7th Nordic Transgender Studies network symposium

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Samhällsvetenskap
  • Utbildningsvetenskap
  • Genusstudier


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