Tensile behavior of single-crystal nano-sized copper beams with voids

    Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/Conference proceedingKonferenspaper i proceedingPeer review


    The tensile response under displacement controlled loading of nano-sized single crystal Cu beams, solid or holding square shaped through-the thickness voids, have been investigated through 3D molecular dynamics simulations using free-ware LAMMPS [1]. For the same beam size and void height, the void width along the beam length axis was varied. Two different crystallographic orientations were considered. It was found that, under some circumstances, voids were able to close and heal the beam cross section, causing final failure through necking in the region of the initial void. For other cases instead the void split in two, smaller voids that both eventually healed. A third scenario was that the void widened, splitting the beam in two ligaments that each necked individually. As expected, both defect geometry and crystal orientation influences the mechanical behavior.

    Titel på värdpublikationMaterials Structure and Micromechanics of Fracture VIII
    FörlagTrans Tech Publications
    Antal sidor4
    Volym258 SSP
    ISBN (tryckt)9783038356264
    StatusPublished - 2017
    Evenemang8th International Conference on MATERIALS STRUCTURE & MICROMECHANICS OF FRACTURE - Brno, Tjeckien
    Varaktighet: 2016 juni 272016 juni 29


    NamnSolid State Phenomena
    Volym258 SSP
    ISSN (elektroniskt)16629779


    Konferens8th International Conference on MATERIALS STRUCTURE & MICROMECHANICS OF FRACTURE

    Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

    • Teknisk mekanik


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