Testing mean-field models near the N=Z line: gamma-ray spectroscopy of the T-z=1/2 nucleus Kr-73

NS Kelsall, SM Fischer, DP Balamuth, GC Ball, MP Carpenter, RM Clark, J Durell, P Fallon, SJ Freeman, PA Hausladen, RVF Janssens, DG Jenkins, MJ Leddy, CJ Lister, AO Macchiavelli, DG Sarantites, DC Schmidt, D Seweryniak, CE Svensson, BJ VarleyS Vincent, R Wadsworth, AN Wilson, AV Afanasjev, S Frauendorf, Ingemar Ragnarsson, R Wyss

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikel i vetenskaplig tidskriftPeer review


Excited states in the N=Z+1 nucleus Kr-73 have been investigated using the Ca-40(Ar-36,2pn) and Ca-40(Ca-40,alpha2pn) reactions at 145 and 160 MeV, respectively. gamma rays were detected using the Gammasphere array and events were recorded in coincidence with charged-particle and neutron detectors. The three previously observed bands were extended to high spin, and a new unfavored positive-parity band has been observed. The alignment characteristics and decay properties of the bands are all consistent with large-deformation prolate rotation, with no clear evidence for oblate bands or shape coexistence. This is quite different from neighboring Kr-72,Kr-74, indicating a strong shape-stabilizing role for the valence neutron. The experimental results are compared to extended total Routhian surface, cranked Nilsson Strutinsky, and cranked relativistic mean-field calculations. The results suggest that the paired calculations lack some important physics. Neutron-proton correlations may be the missing ingredient. There is also evidence for an unusual band crossing in the negative-parity bands, which may indicate the presence of T=0 pairing correlations. At high spin all the models can reproduce the experimental data.
TidskriftPhysical Review C (Nuclear Physics)
StatusPublished - 2002

Bibliografisk information

The information about affiliations in this record was updated in December 2015.
The record was previously connected to the following departments: Mathematical Physics (Faculty of Technology) (011040002)

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Fysik


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