Tetratricopeptide-containing SMALL KERNEL 11 is essential for the assembly of cytochrome c oxidase in maize mitochondria

Zhenjing Ren, Kaijian Fan, Sihan Zhen, Jie Zhang, Yan Liu, Junjie Fu, Chunlai Qi, Qianhan Wei, Yao Du, Wurinile Tatar, Xiaofeng Zhang, Guoying Wang, Allan G. Rasmusson, Jianhua Wang, Yunjun Liu

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikel i vetenskaplig tidskriftPeer review


Assembly of the functional complexes of the mitochondrial respiratory chain requires sophisticated and efficient regulatory mechanisms. In plants, the subunit composition and assembly factors involved in the biogenesis of cytochrome c oxidase (complex IV) are substantially less defined than in mammals and yeast. In this study, we cloned maize (Zea mays) Small kernel 11 (Smk11) via map-based cloning. Smk11 encodes a mitochondria-localized tetratricopeptide repeat protein. Disruption of Smk11 severely affected the assembly and activity of mitochondrial complex IV, leading to delayed plant growth and seed development. Protein interactions studies revealed that SMK11 might interact with four putative complex IV assembly factors, Inner membrane peptidase 1A (ZmIMP1A), MYB domain protein 3R3 (ZmMYB3R-3), cytochrome c oxidase 23 (ZmCOX23), and mitochondrial ferredoxin 1 (ZmMFDX1), among which ZmMFDX1 might interact with subunits ZmCOX6a and ZmCOX-X1; ZmMYB3R-3 might also interact with ZmCOX6a. The mutation of SMK11 perturbed the normal assembly of these subunits, leading to the inactivation of complex IV. The results of this study revealed that SMK11 serves as an accessory assembly factor required for the normal assembly of subunits into complex IV, which will accelerate the elucidation of the assembly of complex IV in plant mitochondria.

Sidor (från-till)170-187
Antal sidor18
TidskriftPlant Physiology
StatusPublished - 2023 maj

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Biokemi och molekylärbiologi


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