The circular economy: a geometry lesson

Maira Babri, Hervé Corvellec, Herman Stål

Forskningsoutput: Övriga bidragWebbpublicering/bloggpostPopulärvetenskap


To maintain its transformational potential, the circular economy needs to be associated with an actual closing of material loops, recognising that this entails a new balance of power among corporations, customers and those who work with material recovery—not least waste pickers in the global south. The environmental footprint of production and consumption must be reduced, through decreased extraction of virgin materials, lower production of new units and efficient recycling and reuse practices.
Kort beskrivningCircular Economy definition
FörlagSocial Europe Publishing & Consulting GmbH
StatusPublished - 2023 juni 13

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Kulturgeografi
  • Naturresursteknik


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