The History of Knowledge

Forskningsoutput: Bok/rapportBokForskningPeer review

1218 Nedladdningar (Pure)


This book provides an overview of the history of knowledge, including its main currents, distinguishing ideas, and key concepts. However, it is not primarily a state-of-the-art overview but rather an argumentative contribution that seeks to push the field in a certain direction – towards studying knowledge in society and knowledge in people's lives. Hence, the history of knowledge envisioned by the authors is not a rebranding of the history of science and intellectual history, but rather a reinvigoration of social and cultural history. This implies that many different forms of knowledge should be objects of study. By drawing on ongoing research from all across the world dealing with different time periods and problems, the authors demonstrate that the history of knowledge can enrich our understanding of past societies.
FörlagCambridge University Press
Antal sidor76
ISBN (elektroniskt) 9781009047715
ISBN (tryckt)9781009486903, 9781009048545
StatusPublished - 2023 dec. 14


NamnCambridge Elements in Historical Theory and Practice
FörlagCambridge University Press
ISSN (tryckt)2634-8616
ISSN (elektroniskt)2634-8608

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Historia


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