The perceptual importance of falling pitch for speakers from different dialects of Swedish

Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/Conference proceedingKonferenspaper i proceeding

92 Nedladdningar (Pure)


Falling pitch has long been argued to be a key feature in the distinction of Swedish pitch accents. In this paper, neurophysiological and behavioural evidence substantiating the perceptual importance of HL pitch contours at the word level is discussed. When presentedwith novel words, Swedes, regard-less of dialect,preattentively distinguished meaningfulwords with falling pitch.Falling pitch was also facilitative for tone mismatch detection.These responses tomeaningful HL contours in foreign words werelikely based on transfer from the native tongue, thus emphasisingthe importance of falling pitch in the discrimination of word accents in four Swedish dialectareas. However, while responses to falls were facilitated across dialects, additional dialect-dependent facilitation effects were found.
Titel på värdpublikationProceedings of Fonetik 2021
Undertitel på värdpublikationLund, June 8–9, 2021
RedaktörerMikael Roll, Anna Hjortdal
FörlagCenter for Language and Literature, Lund University
StatusPublished - 2021
EvenemangFonetik 2021 - Lund University, Sverige
Varaktighet: 2021 juni 82021 juni 9


NamnLund Working Papers in Linguistics
ISSN (elektroniskt)0280-526X


KonferensFonetik 2021

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Språkstudier


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