Triglyceride interesterification by lipases. 3. Alcoholysis of pure triglycerides

Pawinee Kanasawud, Suree Phutrakul, Scott Bloomer, Patrick Adlercreutz, Bo Mattiasson

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikel i vetenskaplig tidskriftPeer review


Lipase-catalyzed alcoholysis of triolein dissolved in ethanol or isopropanol for the formation of ethyl and isopropyl esters was investigated. Of 16 lipases screened, Amano lipase from P. fluorescens was selected for investigation of the effects of basic reaction conditions on alcoholysis yields. Ethanolysis yields were only slightly affected by water additions to immobilized lipase preparations. Isopropyl ester yields decreased with water addition. Good operational stability was observed over 17 days. Changes in initial triolein concentration in the range 5-50 mM had very little effect on ester yields. The ionic strength of the phosphate buffer used in lipase immobilization affected ethanolysis and isopropanolysis yields in opposite ways. The highest ethanolysis yields were obtained with lipases immobilized from 250 mM buffer, while isopropyl ester yields were highest with lipases immobilized from water. In addition, the quantities and isomers of monoglyceride intermediates in ethanolysis were affected by the immobilization buffer strength. Larger quantities of 2-monoglycerides were formed in ethanolysis reactions with lipase preparations immobilized from water.

Sidor (från-till)959-965
Antal sidor7
TidskriftEnzyme and Microbial Technology
StatusPublished - 1992 jan. 1

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Biokatalys och enzymteknik


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