Uncoupled antenna matching for performance optimization in compact MIMO systems using unbalanced load impedance

Ruiyuan Tian, Buon Kiong Lau

Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/Conference proceedingKonferenspaper i proceedingPeer review

200 Nedladdningar (Pure)


Some MIMO applications require antennas to be closely spaced, which result in mutual coupling among antennas and high spatial correlation for signals. In order to compensate for the performance degradation due to correlation and coupling, impedance matching networks may be used. Recently, it was shown that uncoupled matching networks could be optimized against a given performance metric with the constraint of similar matching impedance for all antennas, i.e., balanced matching. In this paper, we investigate the use of uncoupled matching networks with both balanced and unbalanced load impedances, where either the received power or the channel capacity is optimized. For two- and three-element dipole arrays, we show numerically that a significant performance improvement can be achieved by introducing unbalanced matching. Observations suggest that the achieved improvement varies with array geometry and propagation environment. For example, a large capacity gain of up to 23% is realized when matching a uniform linear array to propagation environments that are asymmetrical about the array broadside, whereas the symmetrical environments do not benefit as much from unbalanced matching.
Titel på värdpublikationIEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC Spring 2008.
Antal sidor5
StatusPublished - 2008
EvenemangIEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring 2008) - Singapore, Singapore
Varaktighet: 2008 maj 112008 maj 14


ISSN (tryckt)1550-2252


KonferensIEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring 2008)

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Elektroteknik och elektronik


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