Virtual diplomatic summitry

Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/Conference proceedingKapitel samlingsverkForskningPeer review


This chapter discusses the rise of virtual diplomatic summitry and its place in the digitalisation of diplomacy. Virtual diplomatic summitry refers to the diplomatic summit meetings that take place through technologies for virtual interaction such as videoconferencing tools, and that take place partly or completely in virtual venues. Virtualisation has been embraced as a solution to sustain institutionalised routines of summitry in the face of disruptions. However, some researchers challenge the adoption of digital tools and use of virtual interaction, arguing that digitalisation in this form may result in lost nuances, risk interpersonal relationships and influence positions of power – all of which are imperative to high-leveled diplomacy. Diplomatic summitry has changed in character and constellation over time and the rise of virtual summits therefore warrants a rethinking of its future role and form in diplomacy. A relational perspective is proposed that focuses on the entangled role of virtualisation and digitalisation in diplomacy and can inform future analyses of virtual diplomatic summitry alongside and in combination with, other forms of diplomatic practice.
Titel på värdpublikationThe Oxford Handbook of Digital Diplomacy
RedaktörerCorneliu Bjola, Ilan Manor
FörlagOxford University Press
ISBN (tryckt)9780192859198
StatusPublished - 2024 jan. 4

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

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