Virtual Workshop on Semantic mapping of archaeological excavation data

Markos Katsianis (redaktör), Giorgos Styliaras (redaktör), Paola Derudas, George Brusaker, Gerald Hiebel, Florian Hivert, Markos Katsianis, Vangelis Kritsotakis, Olivier Marlet, Denitsa Nenova, Federico Nurra, Giorgos Styliaras, Christian-Emil Smith Ore, Maria Theodoridou

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This report documents the presentations and discussions which took place on 15 June 2022 at the "Virtual Workshop on Semantic mapping of excavation data" on Zoom. The event was organised as an open forum to illustrate aspects of the work carried out by the Archaeological Excavation Modelling Working Group, a sub-group within WP 4.4.12. The presenters, both Partners and Associate Partners of the ARIADNEplus consortium, explored semantic modelling and the use of CIDOC CRM, as well as the tools developed to assist researchers with mapping their data. Five case studies on semantic mapping of excavation data were also presented. Each presentation was followed by a Q&A, while a discussion at the end of each session allowed participants to engage in conversation and contribute their experiences and ideas with a view to making excavation data FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable).
Antal sidor35
StatusPublished - 2022 sep. 26
EvenemangVirtual Workshop on Semantic mapping of archaeological excavation data -
Varaktighet: 2022 juni 152022 juni 15

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Arkeologi


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