When Institutional Logics Collide: How International Firms Navigate Sustainability Values in Global Markets

Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/Conference proceedingKapitel samlingsverkForskningPeer review


This book chapter takes an institutional perspective on competing logics in global markets concerned with sustainability values and how market actors in the form of buyers and sellers attempt to solve these conflicting situations. We do this by identifying competing institutional logics in global market contexts aiming for sustainability values, together with techniques for navigating these competing institutional logics in the organizational field studied. As an empirical illustration, we use a case study of buyers and sellers in two different markets where sustainability has come into focus for their market relationships. This viewpoint allows us to better understand how global market actors deal with the competing institutional logics in their market context. We make three contributions with this research: firstly, we identify the institutional logics in global markets towards sustainability; secondly, we demonstrate how global market actors prioritize among the competing logics and their market relationships and thirdly, we outline what this means for the relationship between buyers and sellers in global markets towards sustainability.
Titel på värdpublikationCreating a Sustainable Competitive Position: Ethical Challenges for International Firms
RedaktörerPervez N. Ghauri, Ulf Elg, Sara Melén Hånell
FörlagEmerald Group Publishing Limited
Antal sidor22
ISBN (elektroniskt)978-1-80455-249-0
ISBN (tryckt)978-1-80455-252-0
StatusPublished - 2023


Namn International Business and Management
Förlag Emerald Publishing Limited

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Företagsekonomi


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