Window Tactics: Entangled Visual Propaganda in Neutral Sweden, 1939–1945

Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/Conference proceedingKapitel samlingsverkForskningPeer review


During the Second World War, neutral Sweden became a battleground for propaganda between warring nations, prominently displayed through window displays on Stockholm's streets. This chapter studies the overlooked realm of visual propaganda, particularly focusing on the strategic use of window displays by Germany, the US, the UK and the Soviet Union. By analysing archival material and newspaper sources, it explores how these window displays were used to sway public opinion and how they were received by passers-by. Drawing on the concept of entangled media histories, the chapter sheds light on the maintenance and upkeep of these propaganda tools, as well as the resistance to them. It also examines Sweden's role as a propaganda hub and its challenges in maintaining neutrality. Through this study, we gain insights into the complex interplay of propaganda and everyday life in wartime Stockholm.
Titel på värdpublikationMedia Tactics in the Long Twentieth Century
RedaktörerMarie Cronqvist, Fredrik Mohammadi Norén, Emil Stjernholm
UtgivningsortNew York
Antal sidor16
ISBN (elektroniskt)9781032618326
ISBN (tryckt)9781032618272, 9781032618289
StatusPublished - 2024 aug. 8


NamnRoutledge Studies in Media, Communication, and Politics

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Medievetenskap


Utforska forskningsämnen för ”Window Tactics: Entangled Visual Propaganda in Neutral Sweden, 1939–1945”. Tillsammans bildar de ett unikt fingeravtryck.
  • Afterword: Towards a Tactical Turn?

    Cronqvist, M., Mohammadi Norén, F. & Stjernholm, E., 2024 aug. 8, Media Tactics in the Long Twentieth Century. Cronqvist, M., Mohammadi Norén, F. & Stjernholm, E. (red.). New York: Routledge, s. 259-261 3 s.

    Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/Conference proceedingFör-/efterordForskning

    Öppen tillgång
  • Introduction: Towards a History of Media Tactics

    Cronqvist, M., Mohammadi Norén, F. & Stjernholm, E., 2024 aug. 8, Media Tactics in the Long Twentieth Century. Cronqvist, M., Mohammadi Norén, F. & Stjernholm, E. (red.). New York: Routledge, s. 1-15 16 s. (Routledge Studies in Media, Communication, and Politics).

    Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/Conference proceedingKapitel samlingsverkForskningPeer review

    Öppen tillgång
  • Media Tactics in the Long Twentieth Century

    Cronqvist, M. (redaktör), Mohammadi Norén, F. (redaktör) & Stjernholm, E. (redaktör), 2024 aug. 8, New York: Routledge. 286 s. (Routledge Studies in Media, Communication, and Politics)

    Forskningsoutput: Bok/rapportAntologi (redaktör)ForskningPeer review

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