XUV yield optimization of two-color high-order harmonic generation in gases

Forskningsoutput: Working paper/PreprintPreprint (i preprint-arkiv)


We perform an experimental two-color high-order harmonic generation study in argon with the fundamental of an ytterbium ultrashort pulse laser and its second harmonic. The intensity of the second harmonic and its phase relative to the fundamental are varied, in a large range compared to earlier works, while keeping the total intensity constant. We extract the optimum values for the relative phase and ratio of the two colors which lead to a maximum yield enhancement for each harmonic order in the extreme ultraviolet spectrum. Within the semi-classical three-step model, the yield maximum can be associated with a flat electron return time vs. return energy distribution. An analysis of different distributions allows to predict the required relative two-color phase and ratio for a given harmonic order, total laser intensity, fundamental wavelength, and ionization potential.
StatusPublished - 2024 okt. 29

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Atom- och molekylfysik och optik

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